Guitar Workers + Musicians United!

Posts Tagged ‘Skim’

What are guitars for?

In Uncategorized on January 14, 2010 at 5:04 pm

All the musicians performing for A NIGHT OF GUITARS, a solidarity concert for the Cort guitar workers, showed us: Guitars are not for exploitation.

We are all buoyed up by a great concert last night, Jan. 13th- Tom Morello! Boots Riley! Wayne Kramer! SKIM! Shin Kawasaki! and more… it was a night full of guitars and guitarists, all performing to raise awareness and in preparation for our NAMM Show actions in Anaheim Thurs- Sat. of this week.

We decked the halls of Nanum Cultural Center in Koreatown with pictures, projections and art from the Cort worker’s struggle, opened the doors wide. And then the people came, and then the music washed over us…

(To see the pictures of this and any post in their full glory, click on the blog post title)

starting the night with 풍물, or rural Korean drumming, (to keep the spirits up for the hard work of farming)

followed by the songs and poetry of MARY ROSE GO

with performances by DAVID TRAN aka “Applesauce,” and Shin Kawasaki, here with concert organizer SKIM

and SHIN KAWASAKI going solo, bringing on the layers and layers of sound…

with surprise guest WAYNE KRAMER of the MC5

and to one of Cort Action’s dedicated supporters, TOM MORELLO of Rage Against the Machine, performing as The Night Watchman, a big THANK YOU !

and then, when we thought it couldn’t get any better, he brought out BOOTS RILEY for a set as Street Sweeper Social Club.  Boots took the small staging area and turned it into his own map of the world, as the band performed narratives about people struggling, both here in LA and around the world.

From SKIM integrating “No! Cort” into her lyrics to Tom’s anger against union busting companies like Cort, the night wrapped around the idea and the reality of musicians and guitar workers in solidarity…

The Cort worker delegation, who came up to the stage with Tom Morello –

sang the last song of the night, and the audience joined us, fists raised in the air.

Thanks to all the folks who came out to support, signed our petition to Cort and Fender, who shared their photography and video skills, and all the volunteers who got signatures and passed out drinks and the donation box. Thanks especially to KIWA Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance and Nanum Cultural Center for the space, the support, and the steady presence throughout these days.

We are now truly ready for the NAMM Show actions Jan. 14- 16th.

Even if you weren’t there for the concert, stay posted to the blog for video clips from the concert and remember to sign the petition.

Main Schedule for Cort Action LA

In Uncategorized on January 9, 2010 at 10:21 am

The full schedule of events will continually be updated here on the blog. Listed below are the MAIN EVENTS for press, for musicians, and for anyone who is interested in learning more about the Cort and Cor-tek guitar workers’ struggle. Please forward widely and come out to support!

January 12 (Tues.) 11am – noon
L.A. Press conference

@ KIWA Cultural Education Center, 1st flr.
3471 West 8th St. , LA 90005

Cort Guitar workers present their demands for Cort Guitars and companies
like Fender, Gibson, Ibanez, G&L, Cort’s business partners.

January 13 (Wed.) 7pm – 10pm
Cort Action Solidarity Concert: A Night of Guitars

@ KIWA Cultural Education Center
3471 W. 8th St., LA 90005

Hear the workers’ testimony about Cort Guitars +
Tom Morello, Skim, and many more musicians and artists perform.

January 14 (Thurs.) 2pm – 3pm
NAMM Show Press Conference (Anaheim)

@ Anaheim Convention Center, NAMM Show
800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim 92802

January 16 (Sat.) 2pm – 5pm
Musical Marathon for Cort Action

@ Anaheim Convention Center, NAMM Show
800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim 92802

Musicians and music lovers perform to let NAMM attendees know about
the ugly truth behind Cort Guitars & Basses.

We would especially love it if musicians and artists could support:

Thurs., January 14, 2 – 4 pm @ NAMM, Anaheim Convention Center

Fri., January 15, between 10-6pm @ NAMM, Anaheim

Sat. January 16, 2-5 pm@ NAMM

This Saturday is the day when anyone and everyone who can move, shake and rattle should carpool and join in on the noise- to let the industry know: it’s not just about the instrument, it’s about the kind of world we want to live in –