Guitar Workers + Musicians United!

Posts Tagged ‘musician solidarity’

1/13 Night of Guitars concert: Tom Morello, Boots Riley, and more!

In Uncategorized on January 12, 2010 at 9:16 pm

Sometimes, when musicians take a stand on an issue, they do so through their art. Sometimes, they take it a step farther. They create communities, they facilitate exchange, and they literally take a stand by throwing their name and inserting their presence where workers and farmers and people who are being oppressed have gathered.

In case, people didn’t catch it on the schedule, Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine and Boots Riley of The Coup, collaborating on their project, Street Sweeper Social Club will be playing Wednes. Jan. 13 at 7pm, at a concert in support of the Cort guitar workers.

Address: 3471 West 8th Street.LA CA 90005. Donation Welcome!

Once again, and unbelievable, that’s Tom Morello:

and Boots Riley!

playing a show alongside LA artists Skim, Shin Kawasaki, David Tran, Albert Chiang and Sue Jin Kim.

Morello also offered a statement of support:

“Guitars should be a means to liberation, not exploitation. I fully support the Korean workers’ demands for justice in the workplace. All American guitar manufacturers and the people that play them should hold Cort accountable for the awful way they have treated their workers. Without us, they would go out of business. Simple as that. No one should have their job taken away because they stand up for their rights.”

Morello’s organization, Axis of Justice, additionally covered the story on their site: You can find it here.

Hope to see LA area music lovers and Cort supporters at the concert tomorrow night!